Our factory offers only high quality standards to consumers. We provide the package of our products, which are under quality control at every stage of production, without using any additives or preservatives.

We provide the package of our products, which are under quality control at every stage of production, without using any additives or preservatives. Our company produces special products such as Mevlana candy, hard candy, soft candy, lollipop candy.
Aiming to offer reliable and quality products, our company produces crystal granulated sugar, powdered sugar, cube sugar, shaped sugar.
We produce products such as cocoa, soda, vanilla, baking powder, peanuts, pistachios, using advanced technologies in a clean, healthy and high quality way.
Our "Nabat" production started production in 2016, and since then, saffron and cutting varieties of nabats have been produced in various containers. The demand for this product has increased significantly due to its health and shines like looking-glass